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Quest for the Nail Prints by Don Furr Review

By 3:29 AM

Quest for the Nail Prints by Don Furr Review

A Time Travel Novel - A Journey to Jerusalem with Christ amid Passion Week 

"Journey for the Nail Prints" is a time travel novel with a heavenly mediation in the lives of the three heroes, Elizabeth Stewart, an inhabitant doctor, and Pastor Paul Ryann, both from Memphis, and Professor Leonardo Van Eaton from George Town University. 

Random Circumstances unite the three on an International air flight going to Jerusalem. The teacher got himself stranded in Jerusalem when his corresponding flight for India was crossed out. The doctor's task was not planned to start for three days. Paul Ryann, the priest, was satisfying a lifetime long for going by the Holy land. 

The three joined agreed to accept a nearby transport visit for a day of touring in the city of Jerusalem. At the primary picturesque stop the transport made, Ryann saw a criminal demonstration. Before long the trio wound up in life undermining risk. All of a sudden they found they were amidst a secretive affair setting aside them back in opportunity to a Jerusalem toward the start of Passion Week. They got to be players with the twelve missionaries in the second story room, partaking in the last dinner with Jesus. 

The story that takes after takes Dr. Stewart and Pastor Ryann on a profound voyage with Jesus for the whole Passion Week up to Calvary. Teacher Van Eaton wanders out on an experience that leads him in another heading. 

Perusing "Journey for the Nail Prints" turned into an essential ordeal for me. The lessons of Jesus went up against another significance as the Holy Spirit utilized Don Furr to convey his Words to the page recently as I was transported back so as to take after Jesus and the devotees on the last days prompting to Golgotha and the Crucifixion. I found that despite the fact that I was transfixed by the story line, and Furr's written work I needed to require some serious energy outs for digestion and reflection on the reason behind the message of cross. This is a book that will long wait in my musings in a way that will affect my perusing of the sacred writings in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. 

"Journey for the Nail Prints" is an unordinary time travel novel with an emphasis on merging plot, character advancement, subject, and anticipation. Wear Furr has a striking present for narrating and riveting composition that prompts to an extraordinary experience with Jesus.

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